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Pontal de Maceio

Pontal de Maceio, a delightful fishing village, lives according to the tempo of its distant traditions. 

Each day from the veranda you can witness the return of the Jangadas from their fishing expeditions, followed by stunning sunsets. 


There are a range of excellent restaurants nearby such as the delicious PAUSA hotel, Vila Caiçara pizzaria near the village square, the beach barraca Canto Verde next door or even enjoy some bbq skewers on the village square.  


Kite surf is a popular activity enjoyed by beginners and experts alike, immediately available at the beach front gate.  Whether in a buggy, on a boat ride or on horseback you will discover the richness of the Céara coast: its people and outstanding natural beauty.


Those who find the exertion of a buggy trip or a jaunt on horseback too much to contemplate, a simple stroll in the warm breeze on the gorgeous beach will relax you & revitalize the soul.

(88) 98152-9225 (88) 98117-4985

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